Ion Stendl Surreal TimeThe ModelThe StudioBook Object Deutsch
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Works on Paper
Works on Canvas

"Ion Stendl places the human in a multitude of aspects, changing
it to a new existence, increasing and decreasing his antropomorphical
values in images with suprarealistical accents. Regardless of the
theme, the atmosphere of the paniting is strange, cool, the elements
of his scenery receive new meanings and the bodys that populate the
canvases overlap, merge toghether in strange anatomical hybrids.

As in the painting of Francis Bacon, the human body is exposed to
metamorphosis, to distorsion leading through various contorsions to
the vanishing of it's precise image. "

(By Horea Avram, Bucharest 1998)

Painter and Model
"Painter and model" (detail) - oil on canvas 1998
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